Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Awesomeness of WALL-E

Pixar has been known to bring great animation movies, such as Toy Story and Finding Nemo, and WALL-E is no exception. It showcases a little robot, Wall-E, whose job is to clean up an uninhabitable, trash-filled Earth. When a highly advanced robot, Eve, shows up, Wall-E immediately falls in love with her. His adventures to win her love takes him to a spaceship containing all the remaining humans, and eventually pits the people against the robots that control their lives in an epic, kid-friendly, battle. WALL-E is a great movie to watch because of its cute love story, comical value, high quality animation, and the problems it exposes with our society, such as waste production and our reliance on technology.

Love Story

Think of the most popular love stories in society today. Movies like The Notebook, The Ugly Truth and even Star Wars( come to mind. WALL-E is another example of a great love story. The robot Wall-E is a 700 year old robot in the movie; Eve is a brand new technologically advanced robot. These two robots simply were not meant to be together. However, through Wall-E's attempts to whoo Eve, he eventually begins to earn her love. For the entire movie, you'll be waiting to see if they will get to be with one another in the end, making it a great example of a good love story.

Comical Value

Wall-E is a very funny character, and adds an extra element that makes the movie better. Wall-E's job is to clean up the Earth's trash, and he finds many interesting items, which he reacts to hilariously. Also, when Wall-E tries to impress Eve, he makes a fool out of himself, such as in this scene right here:
As with all of Pixar's movies, the comedy is funny and clean, which is more than can be said about most comedies released today.

High Quality Animation

Pixar is an animation company known for its great movies and high quality animation, and WALL-E is no exception. The opening scene shows in great detail what has happened to the Earth since the humans have abandoned it. However, even more jaw dropping is the scene of Wall-E flying through space. There are many glorious images of deep space that we could only dream of seeing in person. Pixar capitalizes on the audience's vast imagination in these scenes, as seen above.

Society's Problems

The reason WALL-E is so great is because not only is it a love story for children, but it shows what our society is becoming. The reason all humans left Earth the movie was because the Earth became so polluted, it was uninhabitable. The producers of WALL-E are trying to show us what we're doing to the Earth, and how we are destroying it. Another thing WALL-E addresses is our reliance on technology. The humans left Earth in a spaceship, and while on this trip, they rely heavily on robots and technology to survive and interact. This is a representation of people today; our lives are so centered around technology that personal interaction is becoming almost nonexistent.


Pixar's WALL-E is a great movie to watch because of the great love story it contains, the comedy scattered throughout the movie, the awesome animation, and problems it exposes in our society. Wall-E and Eve's love story is very cute, and has almost all audience members moved by it. There are a lot of funny moments that make the movie very funny. Pixar doesn't disappoint with the awesome animation we've come to expect. Plus, the hidden message in the movie will make it valuable to all audiences. If you don't know what movie to watch next, WALL-E would be a very good choice.